1. hasOwnProperty() method
const hero = {
name: 'Batman'
hero.hasOwnProperty('name'); // => true
hero.hasOwnProperty('realName'); // => false
2. in operator
const hero = {
name: 'Batman'
'name' in hero; // => true
'realName' in hero; // => false
const hero = {
name: 'Batman'
hero.toString; // => function() {...}
'toString' in hero; // => true
hero.hasOwnProperty('toString'); // => false
3. Comparing with undefined
hero.name; // => 'Batman'
hero.realName; // => undefined
hero.realName evaluates to undefined because realName property is missing.
Now you can see an idea: you can compare with undefined to determine the existence of the property.
const hero = {
name: 'Batman'
hero.name !== undefined; // => true
hero.realName !== undefined; // => false
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