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참고자료 목록

ENUM 타입이 없는 Sqlite에서 ENUM처럼 정해진 값만 넣을 수 있도록 테이블 생성하는 방법

 id         INTEGER                                PRIMARY KEY,
 pName      TEXT CHECK( LENGTH(pName) <= 100 )     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 pType      TEXT CHECK( pType IN ('M','R','H') )   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'M',
 pField     TEXT CHECK( LENGTH(pField) <= 50 )     NULL DEFAULT NULL,
 pFieldExt  TEXT CHECK( LENGTH(pFieldExt) <= 50 )  NULL DEFAULT NULL,
 cmp_id     INTEGER                                NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

// CHECK 제약조건을 통해 적용시킬 수 있다.



How to create ENUM type in SQLite?

I need to convert a table from MySQL to SQLite, but I can't figure out how to convert an enum field, because I can't find ENUM type in SQLite. The aforementioned field is pType in the following ta...


SqlLite가 지원하는 DateTime관련 함수와 format 시 사용되는 Patten 목록



Date And Time Functions

1. Overview SQLite supports six date and time functions as follows: date(time-value, modifier, modifier, ...) time(time-value, modifier, modifier, ...) datetime(time-value, modifier, modifier, ...) julianday(time-value, modifier, modifier, ...) unixepoch(t








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